Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

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Cloud Penetration Testing

Cloud Penetration Testing is an authorized simulated cyber-attack against a system that is hosted on a Cloud provider, e.g. Amazon’s AWS or Microsoft’s Azure. In this service, you get a full detailed report on any common security misconfigurations along with our recommendations for how to secure your cloud configuration.

Penetration testing also called pen testing or ethical hacking is the practice of testing a computer system, network, or web application to find security vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit.

Cybersecurity is a business imperative. For your business to remain profitable, you need to be aware of relevant cybersecurity threats and regulatory requirements to ensure that these are effectively addressed.

With Blusonic, we can easily assist you in detecting vulnerabilities an attacker could exploit to gain access to your network and systems, and also validate security defenses with our expertise and visibility. Enhance your security reputation by ensuring compliance and improving operational efficiency.

What is meant by penetration testing? In simpler terms, it is basically a security exercise where cyber-security experts attempt to find and exploit vulnerabilities in a system.

Many people confuse penetration testing with vulnerability testing. In actuality, these two cybersecurity specializations have distinct differences.

Vulnerability testers look for flaws and weaknesses during a security program’s design and setup phases. Penetration testing professionals specifically seek out flaws and weaknesses in existing, active systems.

Different approaches to penetration testing

Pen testing differs both in their approach and in the weaknesses they attempt to exploit. The level of information provided to the pen tester will determine their approach as well as the scope of the project.

  • Black Box Penetration Testing
  • White Box Penetration Testing
  • Grey Box Penetration Testing
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Blusonic Penetration Testing Services

At Blusonic, we execute extensive penetration testing solutions that are tailored to meet your risk assurance objectives by evaluating your attack surface and satisfy compliance requirements, all with security experts.

Internal & External Network Penetration Testing

Our internal network pen tests can mirror insider threats, such as employees intentionally or unintentionally performing malicious actions. The external network pen test is designed to test the effectiveness of perimeter security controls to prevent and detect attacks

Social Engineering

Our Social engineering pen testing service is designed to test employees' adherence to the security policies and practices defined by management. During this testing service, Blusonic will dissect your organization’s social engineering prevention program and administer live penetration testing using social engineering tools.a

Web Application Penetration Testing 

Blusonic's web application penetration testing service can be requested to assess both web applications developed in-house and third-party vendors.

This service will help to identify vulnerabilities including:

  • Security misconfigurations
  • Authentication weaknesses
  • Injection flaws
  • Input validation problems
  • Database interaction errors

Penetration Testing Tools

The blusonic penetration testing team uses a wide range of different pen-testing tools, and the tools required often depend on the particulars of a penetration testing engagement.

  • Kali Linux
  • Nmap
  • Nessus
  • Metasploit
  • Wireshark
  • Burp Suite
  • John the Ripper
  • Hashcat
  • Hydra
  • And lots more.
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The Aftermath of our Penetration Test

  • Summary report
  • Full technical report
  • Remediation action plan

After successful completion of a pen test, Blusonic will share findings with your company’s IT security team. The information shared can then be used to implement security upgrades to patch any vulnerabilities discovered during the test. These upgrades can include rate limiting, new WAF rules, and DDoS mitigation, and lots more.

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What is the main purpose of penetration testing?

Penetration testers help businesses and organizations identify and resolve security vulnerabilities and weaknesses affecting their digital assets and computer networks. Some hold in-house positions with permanent employers, functioning as part of internal cybersecurity

or information technology (IT) teams. Others work for specialized firms that provide penetration-testing services to end clients.

Pen testing can involve the attempted breaching of any number of application systems, (e.g., application protocol interfaces (APIs), frontend/backend servers) to uncover vulnerabilities, such as unsanitized inputs that are susceptible to code injection attacks.

Insights provided by the penetration test can be used to fine-tune your WAF security policies and patch detected vulnerabilities.

How much does a penetration tester make?

According to Ziprecruiter, as of Feb 22, 2021, the average annual pay for a Penetration Tester in the United States is $116,323 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator that works out to be approximately $55.92 an hour. This is the equivalent of $2,237/week or $9,694/month.

The penetration testing teams:

  • Red Team - Individuals who are the actual Pen Testers and emulate the mind set of an attacker or hacker.
  • Blue Team - The Blue Team can be considered that personnel from within the infrastructure of the business itself, they defend against any attacks from the Red Team.
  • Purple Team - The Purple Team can be viewed as the composite of both the Red Team and the Blue Team

Security Vulnerabilities

Vulnerability is a weakness that can be exploited by a cyber-attack to gain unauthorized access to or perform unauthorized actions on a computer system. Below we look at some of the most common vulnerabilities.

  • Unpatched Software - Unpatched vulnerabilities allow attackers to run a malicious code by leveraging a known security bug that has not been patched.
  • Misconfiguration - System misconfigurations (e.g. assets running unnecessary services, or with vulnerable settings such as unchanged defaults) can be exploited by attackers to breach your network.
  • Weak Credentials - An attacker may use a dictionary or brute force attacks to attempt to guess weak passwords, which can then be used to gain access to systems in your network.
  • Phishing, Web & Ransomware - Phishing is used by attackers to get users to inadvertently execute some malicious code, and thereby compromise a system, account, or session. Mostly achieved through social engineering.
  • Missing/Poor Encryption – With attacks on Missing/Poor Encryption, an attacker can intercept communication between systems in your network and steal information.
  • Zero-days attacks - Zero days are specific software vulnerabilities known to the adversary but for which no fix is available, often because the bug has not been reported to the vendor of the vulnerable system


Steps and Phases of Penetration Testing


Reconnaissance involves collecting the maximum possible information about the victim before starting the attack.

Vulnerability Scanning

Scanning is a set of procedures for identifying live hosts, ports, and services, discovering the Operating system and architecture of the target system, Identifying vulnerabilities and threats in the network. 


The exploitation phase of a penetration test focuses solely on establishing access to a system or resource by bypassing security restrictions.

Maintaining Access

During penetration tests once access has been achieved on a target system, penetration testers need to maintain that access.

Analysis & Report

This comprehensive report includes narratives of the whole process of the pen test. It also includes the scope of the security testing, testing methodologies, findings, and recommendations for corrections.

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